Distinction Between STPI and Non-STPI Registrations

For those venturing into the realm of IT and software export in India, it's imperative to grasp the nuances separating Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) from Non-STPI registrations. Each path comes with its unique attributes, advantages, and compliance obligations. This guide will delineate the pivotal distinctions to help steer your decisi

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Filing Income Tax Returns for a Deceased Individual

While it may seem unusual, filing an income tax return for a deceased person is necessary if they had taxable income. As their legal heir or representative, it is your responsibility to file this return for the income they earned up until their passing. This step-by-step guide will help you navigate the process. Understanding Legal Heirs A lega

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Understanding Section 281 of the Income Tax Act

What is Section 281? Section 281 is a rule in India’s Income Tax Act that lets the government take over assets from people or businesses who haven’t paid their taxes. This helps make sure everyone pays what they owe. Why Can the Government Seize Assets? Think of it like this: if you don’t pay a debt, the creditor can take something valua

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